Journey of my soul

Sometimes, you just have to write. You have to, you feel compelled to, compelled by the overpowering sensations flowing through your mind like a massive waves of water on a vast sea. While writing this, I can’t stop crying, my heart feels, feels and feels full of emotion, full of sadness, full of sorrows, full of love. In the background, music plays. Calm, soothing, relaxing simple piano melody brings me even deeper inside me, inside my soul. Looking out of the window, through my soul eyes, I see a world, clouds, sky, nature, frame of our being. Frame that is here and now, its not the same as yesterday, not the same as tomorrow, not the same as moment ago, not the same as in a moments time. Its ever changing and we change with it. We all our formed by a small piece of that, framed to be a being of earth and flash, framed to be part of the whole. Yet. Are we? Every single one of us is unique, unique being, yes, the same unique as a bee, as an ant, as a bird, as a tree. For a reason to me unknown, we, peoples of the world defy the natural. Not by our actions against nature, but with our actions towards us ourselves. No wonder the way we can make ourselves and others suffer is a wonder even to gods in so many stories, the creativity of a mind knows no bounds. We can create wonders, masterpieces of technology, art, masterpieces moving our whole soul, bringing forth emotions, dreams, nightmares.

Our minds are as powerful as the most terrifying weapons, and as powerful as the most wonderful moments of serenity. Do we care for them though? Do we nurture them, water them, bringing only the best soil, water, shine of the brightest of suns? Do we connect them with the others like plants connect to strengthen and build beautiful forests we so love to walk in?

Where do we run all the time? Not stopping to take care of what is the most essential to ourselves, our mind and body? What does it take to persuade us to do so, does it have to be an ending of something beautiful, does it have to be a start of something terrifying, or, can it be a sparkle created by a gentle soul, mind, heart trying to help, trying to connect? I am of no religion, nor do I worship, yet, I can’t stop from feeling there is something more. There has to be right? We want to believe there is something beyond our earthly live, beyond or bodies, a reason for everything that happens, a reckoning for all we do. I wish it would be so, what I find myself driven to, is a belief in the nature itself, belief in people, animals, trees, rocks, water, winds, earth.

We live in connection with it all, we live in connection with each other and we influence each other. If all of us would just be a touch more loving and touch more positive, it would be a wonderful place. And, I believe it to be my journey to help people on that way, on the way of optimism, integrity, curiosity, courage and wholeheartedness. Sounds silly, I know, even more from a person like me, closed in his own shell, yet, I do think that is my way still on which I walk, falling and getting up every damn time to continue. Thank you for reading what my soul and mind had to write.


Jump into the Unknown


And here we gooo :)